John is a native South Floridian. After attending college in the deep South, serving in cross-cultural church plants in East Nashville & London, and pastoring a multi-cultural church in urban St. Louis, he returned to South Florida to plant New City Fellowship.

His mission is to empower and equip followers of Jesus so that they can engage real people and real issues in a real world with the Gospel. John loves communicating God's Word and talking about the Good News of Jesus, the promises of God, unity and diversity through Christ, and God's Kingdom agenda.

He also enjoys English Premier League football (particularly Liverpool), photography, reading a lot of books at one time (see list below), telling and hearing stories, and learning about cultures other than his own.

John is married to Virginia. They have three children.  John has a Master of Divinity from Covenant Theological Seminary and has served in ordained pastoral ministry since 2010.

You can follow him on Twitter or check out the podcast he co-hosts, “Post-Everything: Remapping Culture and Rethinking Leadership in a Liminal Age” (Apple | Spotify)

Pastor John is currently reading:

Books pictured above are not an endorsement of the ideas or the author.

Listen to Pastor John’s Podcast: POSTEVERYTHING - a podcast about remapping culture and rethinking leadership in a liminal age.