Romans 8:1 | Vision to See the Promises

Do you know what can radically change the way you live your life?

Having the eyes to see what God has done and what He is committed to do.

On Sunday, we start a 4-week series in Romans 8. It is “VISION: Seeing & Savoring God’s Promises”.

Promise #1: FREEDOM

Many people think that Christianity is about throwing guilt on someone to get them to do something they don’t want to do. But that’s not what faith in Jesus means at all.

God is all about setting people free through what Jesus has done.


So much so that Paul writes that there is…

Less condemnation for those who try hard?


There is NO CONDEMNATION for anyone who is in Christ Jesus.


Do you live as if that promise is true?

Do you have the vision to see that promise and apply it in your life?

Come see and savor God’s promises with us

Sunday 10am

McNicol Community Center (28th and Mayo)
