Gospel Power | Work Shop | July 2nd & 23rd

Why isn't your Christian life more joyful?

Why can't you overcome sinful habits?

Why is your focus on rules and not relationship?

Because you're not walking in line with the truth of the Gospel.

"What?!?" you say. "I'm a Christian. I'm saved. I've accepted the Gospel and am following Jesus as my Lord and Savior. What do you mean I'm not walking in line with the truth of the Gospel?"

The Gospel isn't just the entry point to the Christian faith. It is the reference point for every moment in the Christian faith.

The Gospel isn't just for those that don't believe, but the power source for those that already believe.

The Gospel isn't just one thing, it is everything.

And when you begin to understand the Gospel as your source of identity and your status as a child of God, it gives you power and freedom to walk the Christian life.

On Sunday evening July 2nd and July 23rd, from 6:30-8pm, Pastor John and Virginia are hosting Gospel Power workshops in their home. We'll talk about your identity in Christ, overcoming sin, understanding your status as a child of God, and the "orphan mindset". There'll be coffee and snacks, but childcare will not be provided. Please sign up below.

The central, ongoing focus of our faith and proclamation is Jesus Christ and the forgiveness and righteousness that are ours as a free gift through his work on the cross. In Christ we are given the promise of the Holy Spirit to empower us to practice righteousness, defeat sin and live in a relationship with God the Father as sons/daughters.
— Gospel Power: Called to be Children of God