Fruit of the Spirit | New Series Starts Sunday


On Easter Sunday, we talked about being new creations through Jesus. As Jesus was raised to life in his body, we are raised to new life in our spirit, by the power of the Holy Spirit in us. The Holy Spirit begins to renovate our life by changing our character into the character of Jesus, so that you can walk through the challenges of this life with joy and peace, you can show kindness and goodness to your enemies, being sacrificially loving and faithful in a world that encourages self-centeredness. This is the fruit of the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives.

In our new series, you’ll learn about each of the fruit of the Spirit, the differences between the Spirit’s fruit and gifts, and how you can be changed from the inside out.


4/28 | The Holy Spirit & Love - You’ll learn about the work and person of the Holy Spirit, the difference between his gifts and his fruit, and the difference between man-pursued virtues and God-empowered fruit that reflects Jesus.

5/5 | Joy & Peace in a Broken World – The world is often disappointing. Our lives are often busy and falling apart.  The Spirit is making us into a people of joy and peace in the midst of all the brokenness.

5/12 | Mother’s Day: Kindness & Faithfulness - We’ll look at two characteristics we celebrate in our mothers that the Spirit wants to work deeper into our hearts and lives.

5/19 | Goodness & Self-Control in a Culture of Me – we are often told to say “yes” to our desires and say “no” to giving ourselves away to others. But the Spirit wants to make us people who say no to our evil desires and yes to giving ourselves away to the world around us by showing God’s goodness in practical ways.

 5/26 | Patience & Gentleness Amidst the Haters – In a dog-eat-dog world, we are encouraged to take what’s ours and not let anyone get in the way of reaching our goals. Stand up to your haters and take control….or? Be patient in God’s control over all things and delight in his gentleness with you, a sinner.