Memorial Day Water Bottle Outreach

Cold water for the outreach. We couldn't afford Fiji water, but we showed our city some Dasani-love.

Cold water for the outreach. We couldn't afford Fiji water, but we showed our city some Dasani-love.


We showed Christ's love by passing out free bottles of water on a hot day.


We met all sorts of people (people who needed medical help, former military veterans, a man who had just moved and loved chilling in Hollywood, friends from the Hollywood Chamber, families looking for a church, people who were annoyed by the offer of a free water, and some who couldn't believe we would give it away for free) and made some new friends.


Join us this Thursday as we continue our study in the book of Acts. Learn more.

Chad leads a Bible study on Jesus, the Living Water, from John 4.

Chad leads a Bible study on Jesus, the Living Water, from John 4.

We try and include our kids as much as possible in the life of our church and in mission. Our faith is caught as much as it is taught.

We try and include our kids as much as possible in the life of our church and in mission. Our faith is caught as much as it is taught.